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West Bay Construction, Inc. is a general contractor headquartered in beautiful Southern New Jersey. We have been providing prompt and professional contracting services to state, federal and local authorities for over 20 years. We are qualified to perform work at the State level for the NJDOT, NJ Turnpike Authority and NJ Transit. Additionally, we also perform work for the local counties, as well as municipal levels including work for local Boards of Education.

West Bay performs work as a both a general contractor, working directly with owners, and as a subcontractor, working under the direction of various GC’s. Please explore our site to learn more about West Bay and its capabilities. We look forward to adding your next project to our list of successful accomplishments.

Highway HeavenHIGHWAY& HEAVY

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Qualifications & CertsQUALIFICATIONS & CERTS

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Construction Design WorkENGINEERING

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